Saturday, July 9, 2016

What It's Like to Room with Three SAU Nursing Majors

          Happy Sabbath from Camp Au Sable! The Summer is flying by as this is our last full day of Teen Camp. The sweet Sabbath songs fluttering into my open window are from the praises being lifted up from the campers and staff at Campfire Point. I am in my bed trying to soak up the Sabbath's rest and heal in time for tomorrow's new batch of happy campers.
          Summer camp sickness seems to attack mostly all of the staff at some point during our time together. I was not expecting for this to hit me so suddenly because in the past I have been one of the last ones to get sick and it was never a fever, just a sore throat. When I first found out that all three of my roommates were nursing majors from Southern Adventist University, I was definitely the only one representing speech-language pathologists and that has turned out to be the biggest blessing of all time!

Esther, Hannah (me), Tetyanka, and Bethany

          On Tuesday night my roommate Bethany took my temperature and it was 102.7 degrees. She took it a couple of times to make sure that it was accurate and by the way I was feeling I am sure it was! She got a cool rag and put it to my head while she ran to go get our camp nurse. Thankfully it did not take long for my fever to break to 99.9 degrees. There is a constant tickle in my throat and it is not because anyone is making me laugh! As hydrated as I am from drinking water from my purple Camp Au Sable water bottle, my vocal folds are not functioning within normal limits.
          My three roommates are so brave as they have all taken turns in ministering to me. Tetyanka cheerfully sanitized our room, did laundry, brought me food, and drove me on the golf cart to help me locate the Internet at camp to upload, The Camp Au Sable Store is so Much Pun video! Esther has been brave from day one because she has endured my sleep talking that wakes us both up at the craziest times. Esther used my favorite lotion and gave me a back massage that put me to sleep when I was feeling at my worst. Bethany has monitored my temperature and it has been a steady 98 degrees for the past three days. Bethany also has brought me most of my meals and just made this delicious blueberry, banana, spinach, orange, soymilk smoothie that has certainly soothed my throat!

Bethany is smoothing things over for me!

          Thank you God for sending me three beautiful angels from Southern Adventist University to take perfect care of me! I have been sick and they have cared for me, I have been hungry and they have fed me, I have been thirsty and they made me a smoothie! They are living what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 25. Surely these precious jewels have heard God's voice for their high calling. My prayer for each of you is that God will lavish His infinite love on you each moment and send holy angels to minister to you in the wonderful ways Tetyanka, Esther, and Bethany have so faithfully ministered to me!

          In His Joys,
          Hannah Elise Abbott

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