Spiritual Self-Care is a rewarding way to remember who our Ultimate Provider is. Volunteering time as a love offering or giving cash reduces symptoms of depression, improves mood, is linked to increased longevity, and ignites happiness chemicals in the brain.
Visit my previous blog post: Spiritual Self-Care Part 4 to learn how to let go in order to experience God’s presence to the fullest and discover the joy volunteer work brings.
The following is a continuation of choosing spiritual self-care:
11. Tithe and Love Offerings
Tithing and giving love offerings has only ever blessed my finances and never hurt it. We can never outgive God! Tithing 10% of my income is a way for me to dedicate my finances to God, honor Him with the increase I receive, and trust Him as my Ultimate Provider.
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” ~ Proverbs 3:9-10
The following promise is one I love to claim for those who graciously bless my life with their time, talents, and generosity:
“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” ~ Proverbs 11:25
So many times as my faith was growing, I reluctantly gave an offering. Within 24 hours my less than a mustard seed of faith was affirmed by somehow receiving way more than I had just given.
Looking for a way to give back while not having access to a traditional offering plate? Check out Adventist Giving. You can download the app, find a church you want to send tithe to, and choose the categories to give a love offering to.
~ Photography by Ambient Light Studios |
Stay tuned for Spiritual Self-Care part 6.
In His Joys,
Hannah Abbott