Friday, December 13, 2019

Choose to Say Hello

Two years ago today we lost our precious family member to depression. The loss was enormously difficult to fathom. Especially because it wasn’t the first time our family had that happen to us. Raw emotions of anger, resentment, fear, heartbreak were at the forefront, and slowly empathy surfaced. “Why didn’t I reach out more to them?” “Why couldn’t the love that was shown replace their dire dilemma?” “Why us, Lord?” The human heart grieves and heals and grieves again. According to the World Health Organization, one person loses their life to depression every 40 seconds. A second later, someone is left to make sense of it. Globally, we need to address this sickness and you can help. has practical and proactive ways to start:
-Call 1-800-273-TALK if you or someone you knows are thinking about suicide.
-Be yourself and let the person struggling know you care.
-Listen to what they have to say. 
-Be sympathetic and non-judgemental.  
-Take the person seriously.
-Offer hope.
-Call the crisis line for referrals.
-Follow-up on treatment.
-Be proactive.
-Encourage positive lifestyle changes.
-Make a safety plan.
-Remove potential means of suicide.
-Continue your support over the long haul. 
Visit their website for more details:

Dear fighter, I know it seems like there’s no way out- but there is. I know it feels like there’s no alternative path to take- but there is. I know you feel like there’s darkness everywhere- but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Choose hope. Choose help. Choose to say hello and not goodbye. 

Ambient Light Studios


Your family, friend, and advocate,

Hannah Elise

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The ABCs I'd Sing Before Dating

Dear passionate, curious and romance loving little lady,

So many lessons on love are coming your way. Before going into learning the highs and lows of dating, courting, wedding dress shopping and all the hiccups and hurrahs along the way, it would be wise for you to listen carefully to all the wondrous ways you could invest your time.

Accepting yourself and someone else into your life can be a powerful reflection of how Jesus accepts us.
Believe that you are worth it. You are priceless and valued.
Continue to develop your individuality in Christ no matter when the deal is sealed.
Decide what your values are and how to uphold them across situations.
Exercise vigorously to keep stress at bay and stretch routinely.
Focus on developing your character, family unit and career.
Go visit that country that’s on your bucket list.
Hugs, you need another hug and to go give a hug to someone.
Interview women who have been in abusive relationships, whether it was emotional, spiritual or physical and learn what the red flags were.
Juggle your busy schedule with a pretty planner.
Kick out toxic habits and make healthy boundaries.
Laugh your heart out exploring the art of comedy.
Map out how you are going to work through overcoming the dysfunction in your life so you don’t bring that into a relationship.
No is often a wise word that is fair game to use when asked out on a date or for your phone number.
Open your perspective up to God’s timing.
Pick up that hobby.
Quiet down your racing thoughts and go take a bath soaking in Epsom salt.
Read that book in the Bible and all the others surrounding it.
Say yes to that mission trip.
Take the advice of those in healthy relationships.
Understand that it takes two to tango. Use your love for dance to make a smooth melody of grace and love in the home.
Vent your frustrations to the Lord, do some burpees and work out your fears with a counselor.
Write down the pros and cons of your choices and objectively determine your course of action.
Xoxo. Your number one love language is physical touch and then words of affirmation. Make sure to learn your partner’s.
Yesterday had a lot going on. You get to decide how to respond today.
Zip a Dee Doo Dah now go pray.

Eternity Beach, Hawaii

In His Joys,

Hannah Elise Abbott, M.S., CCC-SLP