Saturday, September 3, 2016

25 Ways to Celebrate Sabbath

            Over the years, Sabbath has consistently become the most refreshing twenty-four hour period of my entire week. It was so loving for God to set aside Friday night sundown until Saturday night sundown for us to stop and rest in His goodness and grace. There is nothing sweeter than stopping the chaos to celebrate Sabbath! 
            My parent's contagious joy for the Sabbath has encouraged me to have the perspective of Sabbath being an absolute delight. Since my dad is a Seventh-day Adventist pastor, our family has been blessed to have a large church family that spreads from Ohio, Colorado, Michigan, Hawaii, and Nebraska. My prayer is that Sabbath will spark joy in you and that you are encouraged to expand the way you experience the depth of God’s vast love for you, on the most blessed day of the entire week! 

1. Hammocking—There are so many hammocks to choose from! I think I might go with…eeny, meeny, min, ENO. This has become such a relaxing leisure activity. Whether you bring your Bible to read or friends to hammock with, it is really rejuvenating.

Swinging on by to say Happy Sabbath
     2. Digging deep into the Word—The Bible contains heavenly wisdom, direction, and encouragement that is unlike any other book sold on the shelf. Divine advice is freely given to all who ask the Holy Spirit to show them. Memorizing Scripture has saved my sanity on multiple occasions because when I am at my weakest, reciting the verses shatters any darkness that attempts to overtake me.

     3.  Visiting other churches—Having a home church where you can consistently be involved in is beautiful. It is also exciting to take opportunities to visit other churches. While I was learning Spanish, I enjoyed worshiping with the Spanish church family. It was great because the Holy Spirit interpreted for me.

     4. Charades—Acting out Bible stories and taking on the role of Bible characters is so much fun, especially with groups of people. This is fun for the whole family and helps engrain the stories into our minds. Some healthy Christian competition between teams can be a light-hearted way to enjoy time together.
I wonder what it was like to hold baby Jesus?
     5.  Sabbath School—Babies to the baby boomers all have their own fellow believers that they can look forward to seeing each week during Sabbath School. The Northside Seventh-day Adventist Young Adults meets every Sabbath morning at 9:45. Engaging lesson discussions, time and money ministry decisions, and a delicious breakfast treat, makes celebrating the Sabbath sweeter together. We would love to have you join us soon!

Sabbath School at Camp Au Sable's Campfire Point
     6. Exploring the outdoors—Our Creator has lavished His love for us through designing nature into a masterpiece. Exploring the waterfalls in Hawaii to the mountains in Colorado, God’s handiwork is everywhere! Go outside and discover the creatures that are alive, soak up the Sabbath sunshine, and ask God to show you something that He designed that you have yet to realize.

Manoa Valley Rainbow

   7. CampingSaying Happy Sabbath to shooting stars is one of the ultimate ways I like to welcome the Sabbath. Don't delay this family getaway, bring the bug spray, and enjoy it in every way!

Spent this night under the sparkling sky and woke up to bonding around the bonfire
    8.  Hiking—Makapuu Lighthouse Trail on the Island of Oahu is gorgeous. Walking through parks, around lakes, and along rivers is healing. There is nothing like getting some much needed exercise all the while enjoying all of creation. 

Makapuu Lighthouse Lookout
     9. Glow bombing—Passing out encouraging literature to strangers is often what God uses to restore hurting souls. Visit to find out more about Giving Light to Our World. At Camp Au Sable it was so much fun to take a busload of campers and staff to downtown Grayling to pass out GLOW tracts to the community.

We let it glow in Grayling! Glow spread the good news!

     10.  BaptismsWitnessing hearts surrender completely to God is what it is all about. There is nothing more fulfilling than living a life with Jesus. Baptisms are my favorite birthday parties to go to!

Three Camp Au Sable campers were born again
    11. Blogging—If you think that writing is therapeutic to you, blogging could be a way for you to spend some time. As a graduate student, I do not have the leisure of blogging throughout the week. Thankfully, today is Sabbath so I am able to blog about God’s goodness! There are some stories that if you had written down, they could be an encouragement to you when you need to remember what God has done for you. The beauty of blogging is that you can save these stories and share them with others who would be blessed to read them.

    12. Potluck—Churches hold different potluck traditions, so it is key to find out exactly which Sabbaths of the month they are held! In Hawaii at the Honolulu Japanese Seventh-day Adventist church in Manoa, there was a potluck held every single week. There are always two food lines plus a dessert table, one is American and one is Traditional Japanese food. My favorite position was to strategically place myself in between both lines so that I could weave in and out to get a variety of cultural and American foods. Ending on the dessert table (or going there first some weeks) was always a must. At the Northside Seventh-day Adventist church in Lincoln, Nebraska, we have a delicious potluck the second Sabbath (Saturday) of the month. On weeks that the church does not hold potluck, take a picnic to the park with some friends, invite some old and new friends to your home for a meal, or go serve the homeless at the local shelter.

Japanese line
    13.  Vespers—Union College and Andrews University hold diverse vespers that I looked forward to going to when I was a student. At Andrews we usually end vespers with giving someone a Sabbath hug. It is a delight to welcome the Sabbath with peers. Even though I am a graduate student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I plan on going to Union College’s vespers again. Even if you are not near a school that holds vespers, you can start holding vespers at your place and get a solid group going or you can live-stream Andrews University Vespers at

    14.  Blessing a family member—Going around the circle and saying a blessing that you claim for a family member or friend, could be by far the most tender words of affirmation they will ever receive. Asking God to bless them in a specific way is empowering. Ellen White tells us that Jesus records kind words as if they were spoken to Himself.

    15.  Treasure Experiences—There are moments that have been set up by holy angels waiting for you to take advantage of. Pray for divine appointments to happen to you and for the courage to share your faith with someone else whether that is ministering to their physical, spiritual, or emotional needs. Share the miracles God has done for you because that may be exactly what another person needs to hear to be encouraged on their own walk with God.

    16.  Sabbath traditions—In middle school my teacher held Sabbath celebration every Friday before we were dismissed. Students took turns bringing a special treat for the class. Miss Beardsley would light the Sabbath candles and we would sing, “I’m Happy It’s Sabbath.” Think about what Sabbath tradition you can start in your own home. My family gets a kick out of saying a Sabbath blessing for each other and saying what we are thankful for.

    17.  Instrumental—The gift of music is something we will continue to explore on the New Earth. The sweet tunes of praising Jesus brings a melody to my soul. Bring your ukulele, guitar, or violin to Sabbath School to help lead song service or serenade the sick and elderly at the local nursing home. Write a song and carry the tune with you throughout your whole week.

Getting in tune with God
    18.  Character development—The only part of us that we get to take to heaven is our character. God is going to give us new bodies free of aches and pain. Why not give God the tools now to chisel our character? Victoriously conquering bad habits and destructive mindsets starts with surrendering ourselves fully to God. Ask Him to show you what needs to change and He promises to give you the strength for transformation.

    19.  Family time—Nothing beats good times with the family. Take your zoo pass with you and enjoy meeting the animals Adam got to name.

    20.  Rest—Letting your body recoup from a whole week of go-go-go is a must.

    21.  Break from school and work—Taking a 24 hour break from all school work has never hurt my grades or performance at work. It has only ever served to boost my stamina for the rigors of academics and increased my trust in God’s faithfulness.

    22.  PrayerCall up your far away friends and ask if there is anything you can pray with them about. Message someone with a written out prayer that you are claiming for them. Pray for your husband, wife, children, siblings, parents, co-workers, and colleagues. Praying that God blesses those who have hurt me has healed multiple relationships and all the glory goes to God’s restorative power!

    23.  Giving Bible Studies—The adventure of giving Bible studies to children with my dad began today! When my dad asked one of the kids who they want to meet someday they said, “Justin Bieber.” I said, “Never say never.” Haha. Encouraging these children to deepen their friendship with Jesus is a Sabbath adventure we are going to continue together!

Today's Sabbath adventure was studying the Bible together
   24.   Sermons— If your pastor is like my dad and has a study guide for you to follow along, make sure to bring your pen and Bible along with you to church. Prayerfully consider asking God if He wants you to preach someday. It could be as simple as sharing your personal testimony with your church family. It is an experience that is worthwhile!

If a 10 year old can give a bee-autiful sermon about how honey was the sweetest ingredient in Bible times and that we need to crave Jesus, then all of us can too!
    25.  Mission tripYou can locally serve through missions on college campuses and reaching the hearts of the homeless, or by crossing into uncharted territory to bring the gospel with you! The past year a group of my closest friends and I enjoyed going to Chicago to share the love of Jesus with homeless people and quickly realized that the people we met on the streets ended up blessing us more than we ever could bless them. Check out our Facebook page called Least Of These Ministries

During our first trip to Chicago we met Rabbit and he had us read out loud Matthew 25, which inspired Least Of These Ministries to continue
Exodus 20:8-11 says, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

            Sabbath adventures are waiting for you to discover every single week. If Sabbaths are this invigorating on earth think about how extraordinary they are going to be throughout eternity! Sabbaths were made for you, have you truly enjoyed them yet? 

In His Joys,

Hannah Elise Abbott