Saturday, February 6, 2016

Crossing Over From Where You Are to Where God Wants You to be

Week of Prayer at Andrews University has turned into a week of praise because of how extraordinary the Holy Spirit has been moving. Monday morning came and I completely forgot that it was Week of Prayer! Classes start earlier than usual to make room for the daily gathering. Sprinting to my first class, I was wide-awake for an adventure I did not envision coming!

Pastor Rebecca Davis introduced the theme as Crossing Over from where you are to where God wants you to be. I thought that was a catchy theme because recently I have crossed over on an important decision that God has called me to make. As stunning as it is to comprehend, every night that Pastor Davis prayed for God to take us through a specific step of crossing over, God had already fulfilled that in my life the day before!

On Monday Pastor Davis talked about the importance of seeing life from God’s perspective and to listen to Him even when other people think we are crazy. That was completely relatable to me because God had recently revealed His perspective about a choice He was calling me to make. His peace that filled my heart completely over-rid comments of people who thought I was crazy for making my decision.

On Thursday night Pastor Davis talked about the idea of secrecy. She said how important it is to hold onto the big things that God has revealed to us for a little while longer and to prayerfully consider whom we share it with. This is because people often down play what God has revealed to you, which causes you to doubt what God told you. Her prayer that night was for God to show us who we could share the wonderful things He was calling us to do that would be able to see God’s perspective about it too. The night before her sermon God did set up a divine appointment of gathering two of my friends and me to share with each other our testimonies. God strategically placed us in each other’s paths and I was able to share with them what God had helped me cross over with and they agreed that God’s perspective was profoundly good.

On Friday night Pastor Davis talked about how God was going to mend relationships that we thought could never be mended. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I remembered that in the past week God had healed not one, but two friendships I thought had completely fallen through the cracks!

Students Crossing Over to Baptism and Where God Wants Them to be

Each night that Pastor Davis claimed what God was about to do in our lives, God had fulfilled that for me way in advance. Be encouraged and realize that God makes providential appointments to strengthen our faith. Hold on tight to what the Holy Spirit reveals to you because that is only the start of a Heavenly adventure. Keep looking at every circumstance from God’s perspective because crossing over from where you are to where God wants you to be is the most peaceful place ever.

I want to leave you with this: “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:7

In His Joys,

Hannah Elise Abbott